Fundraisers, Events & More
The latest and greatest, along with "evergreen" fundraisers

The Latest & Greatest
We're always up to something! While the circumstances we passionately seek to rectify are grim, we love to have fun. Become a member of our group when you join us on Facebook––we promise to make you laugh. We also host online fundraisers, like raffles for unique items, other fundraisers-of-chance, auctions, and more.

Underwriting Shelter Projects in Spain
This division of The Foundation focuses on offsetting costs or fully funding projects at hunting dog shelters in Spain. Dogs include galgos, podencos, and mastines. Join our Flying Dog Foundation (Para Espana) Facebook group––you'll have fun while helping dogs who need you.

Start a Facebook Fundraiser
If you're on Facebook, consider starting a Facebook fundraiser, either for your birthday or any time! Every donation adds up and many of your friends and family will like supporting a cause you care about. We're "Flying Dog Foundation" on Facebook fundraisers (no "The.") . Thank you for your support!

iGive – Automatic Donations From Online Shopping You Already Do
iGive is essentially a FREE store rebate program where you shop from online retailers, including many you shop from already. When you register and shop via iGive's special links, an "iGive Cookie" is assigned to your browser. This tells the store, "Here is an iGive Member." The store reports back with the purchase amounts and a donation goes to The Flying Dog Foundation. Easy!